Siesta Key is undoubtedly one of the best places in the world to visit. Many travelers end up making Siesta Key their home after stopping by for a visit one (or more) times. One of the considerations when visiting or considering even a temporary or longer stay is what to expect from the weather. Of course, Siesta Key weather is expected to be gorgeous from sun up to sundown. The reality is that weather can be a bit unpredictable in Siesta Key sometimes, too, like anywhere else. Unlike many parts of the United States, being surrounded by water can have its advantages and disadvantages when it comes to the weather being at the mercy of the seas. Find out how much rain to expect in November, basic weather info, and how to prepare when traveling to Siesta Key in November.
Average Temps
November temps are mild compared to other parts of the U.S. in November. While fall colors may be blooming in the Midwest and Eastern seaboard, average temps fall somewhere in the range of between 65°F to a high of 77°F. The hottest month of August has days with temps ranging from the mid-80s to the low-90s. The coldest month of January only sees lows of 57 degrees. November temps are generally mild yet warm and inviting.
Rain Report
Rain is always a concern when people travel because they want to get the most out of their time in Siesta Key. Nobody wants to be rained out of beautiful beach days or time spent in and around the water. November’s chances of rain are around 12% on any given day. Average days see only a little precipitation with many describing it as ‘not at all rainy.’ August is usually the wetter month with a 41% chance of rain on any given day. April is drier but November offers a warm, calm climate for visitors and locals who call Siesta Key home.
Cloudy Clime
Average cloudy days don’t outnumber the sun in Siesta Key. Siesta Key weather in November is generally clear or sunny with partial cloud cover. The average amount of sunshine in November around Siesta Key hovers at or near 70% of the day with few clouds in sight.
November weather in Siesta Key is moderately humid, around 75%, described as ‘humid but cool’ weather. December has higher humidity with May being the lowest.
Wind Factor
The wind is a low speed and is cool and calming around Siesta Key. Don’t expect big gusts of wind unless a storm is blowing through.
Dress to Impress
Clothing choices for Siesta Key weather in November range from light t-shirts to shorts, skirts, and sundresses. The weather stays in the low to mid-60s up towards 80 degrees. Bring a light jacket or sweater if near the water or around sunrise and sunset but otherwise, the weather is practically perfect in every way to enjoy wearing open-toed shoes and summer clothing all month long.
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